Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Ain't nothing wrong with a little bump 'n' grind...

And so today is my first day back to "real" work from the Christmas/New Year break that I had, and I must say, things are relatively quiet. A lot of my work has spilled over from the past couple weeks. And while I may have one or two new things added, I can say that this industry of wealth management is quite boring. I guess I just thought it would be much more exciting, or Boiler Room-ish, or something. Yet all I do is push papers and make financial plans. Yeah, I do a little bit of analysis, but my boss usually does that on his own free time, in between meeting with clients and whatnot.

Moreover, I don't know if I'm ready to start my MCAT classes. I'm supposed to do my diagnostic test tomorrow, which I'll probably postpone until Wednesday, and I seriously don't fee prepared. I'll probably score somewhere around the 22 mark, when if I just reviewed a little bit over break I could have probably scored a 30.

Let's just hope that I can make it past the next 6 months without burning out. If I can do that, 2011 will really be the year that my dreams become my reality.